Sunday, October 12, 2008

Of Beauty and Bears: Mt. Rainier

Yesterday, BJ&Melis and Abigail, Brian&Joslyn and Hudson and Bristol, Michelle, and I headed up to Mt Rainier to enjoy the sunny autumn day. The views were gorgeous!

We also saw this guy (or girl?) - a black bear! He was hanging around the brand new visitor center, apparently wanting to welcome all the visitors to the park! At one point, Brian and I were doing the whole Poparazzi thing, and trying to get closer to him for a better shot. We prob got within about 15-20 feet of him before finally taking off in the other direction. It might not have been the smartest thing I've ever done, but it was pretty fun!

The rest of the Poparazzi!

At the end of the little hike we took, we heard a low rumbling sound that was intermittent, sometimes lasting just a second, sometimes lasting much longer. Although we didn't see the mountain moving, it was probably the sound of the new snow causing small avalanches or rockslides!

Sweet Baby Girl!

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